Monday, October 13, 2008

My life's billboard - Know Yourself and have Faith

Why is it so difficult to trust ourselves? We learn to trust our partners, our parents, co-workers and our children. However, many of us never learn to trust ourselves. This manifest in a circle of indecision. We are afraid to decide and stick with our decisions. We fear the unforeseen, unproven punishment that life will somehow dole out if only we decide one way or the other. There is no "perfect" decision. However, there might be a better decision for you if you know who you are.

I have been working on creating a vision for my life, and one of the questions in one of the many exercises I have to take is if you had to create a billboard and you could say anything on it what would you say? Aside from reminding everyone to vote, since this the single most important election of our young lives; I had to think for a minute. Then it occurred to me, my billboard would say, "Know Yourself and have Faith". Knowing who you are is paramount in the building of YOU. Each of us in our day to day life are gathering the tools necessary to build YOU. Knowing yourself is the foundation. Know what you want for your life and what you don't want.

I have learned that to know yourself you have to listen to your life. Hear the messages that are given to you each day. Stay connected with your feelings. Trust you intuition. If you trust and act on your intuition you will increase your self-esteem and build trust in yourself. We were taught at an early age to ignore our intuition, be more factual. Believe only what you can see and sometimes we have been taught to not to even believe that. We were also taught to put others feelings ahead of our own, when this happens we begin ignore our inner voice. We begin to listen to the chatter of others and this creates self doubt. How many times we have done something or avoided something because we went with our gut? On these occasions we may have been disappointed or delighted that we did trust our gut feeling. Practice this more and more each day with little things like what to eat, what movie to see and what book to read.

As we begin to trust ourselves we can then ask ourselves for the answers to our biggest decision and greatest problems. The we can look for the answers in the books we may have chosen to read, a comment by a parent, co-worker or friend. Or maybe even on TV or a movie. My most successful way of getting to know me is by journaling. Journaling provides a space to examine our most innermost thoughts and desires. This is the key to knowing YOU. Our dreams are also telling, if we cannot listen to the answers we receive during the day they may come to us at night in our dreams.

Trust yourself to manage the building of YOU. You are the CEO of your life and you have the most powerful partner at your disposal - GOD. The answers that you need you can find them within. More on faith and visioning later.

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