Thursday, November 6, 2008

Tonight as I sat here contemplating one more opportunity to volunteer. I began to feel exhausted. I realized that before I could help anyone I need to make sure that I was OK. You see Loving your Neighbor as Yourself is a biblical commandment, as a matter of fact the second commandment, superseded only by loving God. For me, I forget many times the part of the commandment that says "As you love Yourself."

Its my nature to reach to take up a cause. As a matter of fact, I felt like I was born to fight for many different causes. I am a cause junkie. But when you really think about in order to please God you have to love yourself as much as you love your neighbor. Self love is the beginning of loving. If you have read my blogs, I am still learning to love and value me as much as I value others. If I have the desire to take care of my neighbor, then I should have an equal desire to take care of myself, realizing that putting myself first does not make me selfish. Its like when you get on a plane and the crew runs through all the safety features in case anything should happen and they tell parents or those traveling with young children to first secure their oxygen mask first and then your child's; well its like that when you put yourself first, it give you the necessary ability to be able to take care of others. Do not neglect yourselves by giving all you have to others. Do you relate, let me know?

1 comment:

  1. So true!

    Many times others have said to me that I over-extend myself for family and friends and focus my thoughts on others instead of thinking of my own needs and wants. Just the other day, I sacrificed a well-needed trip to the gym to do a favor for a family member. I love to help others and they in turn help me, but I am learning that I must set limits on the amount and type of help I provide, particularly if it requires too much personal sacrifice.
