Monday, December 29, 2008
Divine Intervention
Here I am feeling some apprehension and some fear over a life changing event in the works. Its seems as if at once, I could have the opportunity to purse my dream life, and I am lagging behind my destiny. Tonight, I have one thing in mind and that is Divine Intervention. Other words for intervention are interference and interruption. Divine interference and interruption can be defined as a miracle. Sometimes, as a matter of fact most if not all of the time, you are not quite ready for the divine to intervene/interrupt your life. I have been working on faith for some time now and this is a how faith plays out. When you are interrupted your current path, when your current well laid out plans are interfered with, do you realize that it could be the divine miracle? Working for your best interest, aiding you in fulfilling your life's purpose, answering your very prayers, laying out for you a different, better path.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Receiving, the joy in giving
My holiday was great. Though I must admit, it was exhausting and at the same time incredibly satisfying. The lesson for me this holiday season was to learn how to receive. Giving comes easy to me, as it probably does to most mothers, for that matter, women in general. Receiving well that has to be developed. In order to receive anything you have to learn how to ask, and for most of us growing up with parents from the generation that believed your needs will be provided to you and anything beyond that was just plain out of the goodness of their heart, asking does not come naturally. Learning to ask for what you want is an on going lesson for me. Prior to the holidays, the kids would ask what did I want, I told them to use their imagination. In all reality there is plenty I want, books to read, journals to write, gloves to wear, etc. But listing these seemed too self involved. I find that I do this often with the man I spend my life with, its as if I want him to know my wants telepathically....but this is another post all together.
As I make my 2009 Becoming ME List - I like this way more than resolutions, being more self involved will be top on that list, which of course has to do with what value I place on myself. So valuing me more will also be high on that list. This season and all others receive with as much confidence as you would if you were the one giving. Say thank you and savior the moment that someone else thought you were special enough to think of you in such a memorable and beautiful way. Receiving well is the joy to be had in giving!
As I make my 2009 Becoming ME List - I like this way more than resolutions, being more self involved will be top on that list, which of course has to do with what value I place on myself. So valuing me more will also be high on that list. This season and all others receive with as much confidence as you would if you were the one giving. Say thank you and savior the moment that someone else thought you were special enough to think of you in such a memorable and beautiful way. Receiving well is the joy to be had in giving!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Zion and Katara
Zion he is my dreamer. From the time Zion was born he would stare at me. As a matter of fact, when the doctor handed me him we could not take our eyes off each other. Its always felt that there was a familiarity of our spirits. I still catch him starring at me. Most who know him would describe him as a cool kid. I attest to many that my cool kid was raised on herbal tea, he drank catnip tea as a child and loved it, to explain his coolness, but it goes beyond that. He is the one I tell my dreams and hopes because he is as protective and convinced as I am about them. He holds my hand and says I love you at any given time. Recently while spending the afternoon in my bed, I described to him in confidence my courageous and powerful alter ego and asked him to suggest a name for her. He asked where did she live? I said the ocean. He said so when you are afraid she helps you to be strong? I said yes and he named her Katara....and I said Perfect!!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
I am not afraid of the Dark
As I get older, I am becoming exposed, exposed to my darkness. I embrace this other side of me that I have tried to cover-up and hide. Its the part of me that makes me interesting, unique, fun and whole! I am of the ocean and I am ruled by the moon. As the moon phases changes so does mine. I can have a phase where not much light shines from me. That is my darkness, those are the nights that you nor I see my fullness. Then I begin to regain that fullness slowly; and you will see me emerge anew. As the moon cycles, so does our bodies, and then I am full with the possibilities of life. But as with any cycle, I will begin to wane and become dark. It is necessary to know this dark side, in order to experience my light side. I have learned not be afraid of the dark, because there are many lessons to be learned by living inward.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Beautiful Winter

I am not a person who enjoys the cold, but I am appreciating this Winter. I am beginning to celebrate the endings as well as the beginnings, yes even for the seasons. The Druid's Herbal says that Winter is the "Time for preconception, the time from which new ideas and new life will ultimately spring." The wisdom of nature shows us that as the trees abandoned their leaves and take root, going within themselves to be reborn again, so should we. Abandon all external concerns and go deep within yourself and examine how it is that we would want to be reborn this Spring. So this Winter take the time to get warm and comfortable and dream, dream vivid dreams and write them down and in Spring celebrate the new you!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Do you have a lifeline? Do you have that one person that you can call at 1:00 a.m. and you know that they will answer the phone and stay on as long as you need them? I am beginning to measure my life, which I now believe is a sign of me getting old, but anyway, I am measuring my life by the times I have been there for a friend when I was needed. Did I or do I go out of my way, seriously out of my way for one of my girlfriends, without them having to ask, but rather because I knew they needed me? When was the last time I just visited a friend who I knew was lonely? When was the last time I offered myself to an overwhelmed friend for the afternoon? Will I answer my phone at 1:00 am. when they call? It may not be important, but that one time I could be a lifeline! And the universe rotates on reciprocity.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Could I be a hater?
When we begin to not like someone for what they possess something that we don't, or may they have been blessed in a way that we have not. Or maybe they possess a physical quality that we just don't find appealing, we are beginning to sow seeds of hate. I know, hate seems like such a strong word. I don't like it, I even hate using it to describe a possible quality that I might have. However, the very foundation of hate is jealously, disregard, disrespect, feeling of separateness, us against them. All of which I have manifested on more than on occasion. Hate takes a hold of you when you least expect it, as a matter of fact it shows up when you swear that you don't possess it. We find ourselves manifesting it to our partners, friends, coworker, parents, sibling, whoever. Pretty soon no one is immune from our dislike. I am making 2009 a year of less hate and will make a conscious effort to try manifesting the polar opposite of hate. Would you join me in my quest to stop being a hater. Love!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Joy to the world

At this time of year the word joy is used often. We will sing about it, we might sign our name to it on our christmas cards, it surrounds us. It no wonder that I thought a great deal about joy in the last two days, I wonder why it was that I am not more joyful or full or joy on a daily basis. With so much going on in our world today, we all need to be reminded to find joy, yes we have to seek it out. The first place to look, is when we wake up in the morning, we are alive, there is such a pure and simple joy in being alive. Joy is defined as the response to feelings of happiness, experiences of pleasure, and awareness of abundance. Celebrate the moments of happiness you notice as you go through your day. When something good happens, call a friend and share the joy. Dance at your Christmas party, jump for joy, laugh heartly, as often as possible. Feel yourself become full with joy.
Exeprience pleasure, one way we can do this is by inviting joy in to our lives this holiday season by giving more than we receive, yes more. Give without expecting to get in return -- you know, "There is more joy in giving than there is in receiving".
Next become aware of our abundance, remember how extremely lucky we are to have all the things we possess. Feelings of gratitude creates a true sense of joy, the joy of being blessed. Then remember we have the power as to how much joy we create in our lives....Enjoy!
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Right on Thyme/Time
Yesterday on my herbal blog I wrote about the herb Thyme and in reviewing my notes, I came across an interesting use of Thyme. It is said that using Thyme helps the user develop a better relationship with time. Boy do I need that, I am thinking intravenously. I have a damaged relationship with time, I constantly feel like there is not enough of it and its not on my side. Its been a part of my bedtime routine for years to fall asleep counting the hours I have left to sleep before its time to wake. You know, if I go to sleep now I can have four, five, six hours of sleep before the alarm... I know I cannot be alone in this. It seems like we move through life counting the hours, minutes, and seconds before our next move. For anything done while counting time is devalued, a devalued moment, a devalued hour and a devalued life. So tonight I am making a conscious effort to take my eyes off the clock and focus on whats in front of me...the present.
Monday, December 1, 2008
I am coming into my own and the more I do so the more I am free to just live my life. You may think that if others knew the real you they would be shocked. I think, the will embrace you for being you. You see, most times if they love you, they already know who you are, because some times we confuse the love we get with the love we give, or Vice versa.
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