Friday, December 19, 2008

I am not afraid of the Dark

As I get older, I am becoming exposed, exposed to my darkness. I embrace this other side of me that I have tried to cover-up and hide. Its the part of me that makes me interesting, unique, fun and whole! I am of the ocean and I am ruled by the moon. As the moon phases changes so does mine. I can have a phase where not much light shines from me. That is my darkness, those are the nights that you nor I see my fullness. Then I begin to regain that fullness slowly; and you will see me emerge anew. As the moon cycles, so does our bodies, and then I am full with the possibilities of life. But as with any cycle, I will begin to wane and become dark. It is necessary to know this dark side, in order to experience my light side. I have learned not be afraid of the dark, because there are many lessons to be learned by living inward.

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